This page contains our Orthomosaic Dataset of RGB aerial images for Weed Mapping and Segmentation and its Ground Truth (GT). It depicts a sugar cane plantation in Northern Brazil, captured as a single UAV-acquired sugarcane field orthomosaic. The image was captured from an Horus Aeronaves ( fixed-wing UAV employing a visible light RGB Canon G9X camera. The UAV captured the data following a flight altitude of 125 to 200 meters, resulting in an approximate spatial resolution of 5cm/pixel.
The images can be downloaded at full resolution by either accessing the direct links under the illustrative low-resolution images below or by clicking at the images themselves.
Original Image
Ground Truth
From the dataset an expert biologist produced a human-made ground truth (GT). The expert classified the whole image manually, using the GNU image manipulation program (GIMP). All pixels of the image were classified into three classes: crop row (green), weed (yellow) and background (red). Out-of-boundaries pixels are black. This GT representation allows the direct usage of the GT in machine learning environments that employ the Pascal VOC standard.
[Link for direct download (ground truth image)]
Exemplar Results
The Jupyter Notebook employed to generate our results is available in the following repos:
- Institutional Git:
- Author’s private Git:
Refer to the jupyter notebook installation guide or import the file with Google Colaboratory to visualize the code.
We wish to thank Horus Aeronaves ( for acquiring and offering the dataset. There are no conflicts of interest.
This work was the result of a collaborative effort of a team of engaged researchers:
- Alexandre Monteiro <>
- Paulo Cesar Pereira Junior <>
- Antonio Carlos Sobieranski <>
- Rafael da Luz Ribeiro <>
- Marcelo Ricardo Stemmer <>
Related Publications
- Weed Mapping on Aerial Images – A Systematic Literature Review. Paulo César Pereira Júnior, Alexandre Monteiro and Aldo von Wangenheim. Technical Report INCoD/LAPIX.01.2019.E (May, 2019) [PDF] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34979.71204]
Citing this Dataset
@misc{WeedMappingDataset2019, author = {Monteiro, A.A.O. and von Wangenheim, A.}, title = {Orthomosaic Dataset of RGB aerial Images for Weed Mapping}, year = {2019}, publisher = {LAPIX/UFSC}, journal = {INCoD Datasets Repository}, howpublished = {\url{}} }