(PT) (EN) Intelligent Image Processing


<p style=”text-align: justify;”>A system shell developed for modeling and execution control of  knowledge-based image analysis tasks. The approach enables the flexible  modeling and use of adaptive image analysis sequences to perform  image-understanding tasks in complex, varying and knowledge- intensive  domains such as medical image understanding. The shell supports the  construction of two separated knowledge bases. The first containing  knowledge about image processing algorithms and their parameters and the  second containing information about image contents. This allows  domain-specific control and validation. The image analysis process is  controlled through an inference engine, which is based on a  configuration system. The shell is called Cyclops System and is  presently being used on the development of medical imaging applications.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>One of the main challenges in image understanding is to develop a  flexible, adaptable system, capable of performing complex image analysis  tasks and of extracting information from varying scenes or images.  After three decades research, there is still no general computer vision  approach, capable to provide the technology to develop a general-purpose  vision system, able to deal with different tasks and images, like the  human vision apparatus. In Computer Vision, the state-of-art is still  that we have sorts of different, very specialized algorithms for  edge-detection, segmentation, filtering, blurring and so on. If we  intend to perform some image analysis task, we have to carefully choose,  combine and parameterize some of those algorithms adequately. This  restricts Computer Vision solutions to narrow application domains and  even there, we cannot be sure that some combination of algorithms will  perform in a stable and reliable manner for all images of a given  category. We can identify two kinds of application domains, where  existing image analysis algorithms could, in theory, be used to develop  solutions: Domains where the analysis task is simple, the image  acquisition is done under controlled conditions and the objects  appearing in the images are known before.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>The prototypical  example of such an application domain is Quality Control. In such  applications, the images look almost equal, images are taken under  strongly controlled conditions and images are oversimplified through  filters, since we are looking for some special image characteristics.  For applications like these, present technology enables us to develop  specific applications from pipelines of algorithms with hard-wired  parameters that work reliable (e.g. find cracks in vitrified tiles).  Application domains where we have images all belonging to the same  category and where there is one or a group of tasks to be performed.  Typical application domains here are medical image analysis, remote  sensing and content-based search in large image databases. Since we have  no generic tasks, we need no generic solutions and some specific  algorithms put together should solve the problem also here.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Everybody  who already tried to develop an application for such a domain described  in 2., knows that this does not work. There are variations between  images, even if they seem, to the human eye, belong to the same category  of images and seem to be very similar: contrast characteristics of  satellite images are different due to weather; tissue density from  different patients differs between X-ray images; tissue appears  different in MR-images if slice thickness taken was different, \dots .  These variations can be strong enough to force a segmentation algorithm  to produce wrong segments or an edge detection algorithm to produce  incomplete borders with some set of parameters that worked for the image  before. In this paper we propose and describe the implementation of an  approach that solves problems that occur in domains like those of the  applications exemplified above. These are domains where the tasks to be  performed are always similar but much more complex than the quality  control tasks, like measuring aneurysms in CT images, finding tissue  suspected to be cancerous in MR-mammographies, finding all bridges in a  satellite image or finding all images with sunsets in an image database.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>The approach here described was developed to be used as an  expert system shell for the implementation of image analysis  applications. The further refinement of both the model and the  implementation of this expert system shell is one of the main tasks of  the Cyclops Project, an international cooperation R\&amp;D project  existing. In order to provide feedback for the model, we are using the  system for the development of several different medical imaging  applications together with medical partners.
1. Image Analysis as a Configuration Process </strong></p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>In  the human brain the recognition and interpretation of one or several  images is divided into two very hard to separate processes. The first  process is the analysis of sensor data and the second is a higher  intellectual process, which takes into account knowledge about possible  objects in an image. In the described Cyclops system both processes have  their own knowledge bases.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>knowledge base about image processing methods
knowledge base about domain objects</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Image analysis is a complex process, in which image processing routines  and domain dependent interpretation steps often alternate. We now  explain a simple scenario of such problems. After an initial  preprocessing (for example image segmentation) a hypothesis about the  image content is generated based on the domain knowledge. To confirm or  reject this hypothesis several typical properties of the image must be  examined, for example the segment size. This properties are stored in  the domain knowledge base and create special expectations. For  processing this expectations or hypothesis, algorithms must be selected  based on the knowledge of the functionality of this operators. This kind  of working can be iterated and the user can be asked for a judgment of  the results. A very important point is to find the right configuration  of the algorithm sequence by taking into account the user interactions.  The user should only be asked for advise if his expertise is essential  for solving the analysis problem.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>All this thoughts show that  image analysis is a configuration problem, especially a configuration of  an image processing process with finally an image interpretation at the  end. Configuration tasks are traditionally marked off planning tasks by  the fact that there is only a limited number of configuration  steps,which can be chosen from a limited number of possibilities. The  number of parameter sets for a configuration can be unlimited. We can  find such situations often in technical domains and processes and the  image analysis situation has this properties. Because of thoughts the  CYCLOPS system is based on a configuration system for technical domains  called IDAX .IDAX is based on the truth maintenance system REDUX.  Several modifications have been made to the system to adapt it for the  image analysis task. The synthesis process for a configuration consist  in the creation of an object with specific demands.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Every  additional demand must be noticed for the synthesis process. Normally  such conditions are modeled as constrains, sometimes as simple logical  conditions. But for our problem it is completely different. The main  requirement for the image processing task is that from the result the  meaning of the image is visible, either for the computer or a person. In  the last case the main task of the assisting system is to direct the  attention of the user to the important features of the image. One  problem in the image processing domain is that the description of the  algorithms and the results are not stable enough to fulfill hard  constraints or logical conditions. For controlling the behavior of a  image analysis sequence the execution of the image analysis operators is  needed and often the user must judge if the results are satisfactory.  In technical domains, for example the configuration of a circuit with  special properties in electrical engineering, such a control process is  not needed because the propagation of the constraints during the  configuration guarantee an useful result. In the image analysis domain  this is not the case, even if all constraints of the configuration of an  analysis process are fulfilled there can be a bad result, caused for  example by variations in the image quality. If the result of an executed  configuration is not good some parts of it must be refined, but a lot  of results of the first execution can be reused and only some image  operators are executed a second time.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”><strong>2. System Architecture </strong></p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>In Figure the architecture of the Cyclops system is presented.  The image          pool is a collection of image processing methods. The  image archive is          based on a SQL-database. The other components  are described in the following          subsections.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>The execution control system: the domain knowledge            system,  the static knowledge base, the expectation matching component,             the image archive the operator pool.
The complete  knowledge about the area of image processing is stored            in the  static knowledge base of the configuration system. The knowledge             is completely divided into concrete and abstract domain objects,  which            are connected by relations. With the help of this  relations a concept            hierarchy could be described, which is  used as an orientation for the            dynamical configuration  process. The objects of the image processing            knowledge base  could be modeled with the help of the following aspects.            With  the aid of relations the dependencies between domain objects could             be described. A taxonomical hierarchy of objects could be  described            by the Class-Of/Is-A relations and the  compositional hierarchy by the            Has-Parts/Part-Of relation.  For the connections between abstract objects            and technical  realization a Has-Implementation relation can be used.            The  unary Execution relation is an extension to declare that an abstract             operator is assigned for execution. With this relation concrete  execution            points can be declared, which are used after the  complete configuration            of a part process.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Attributes describe the properties of objects. In            the  Cyclops system there a four groups of attributes with specific meanings             input attributes output attributes parameter configurations  attributes.            A type is assigned to every attribute. The types  of the parameter attributes            normally are enumeration types  and declare the set of possible operators            for the  determination of the parameter values. The types of the input             and output attributes have a special meaning. Often image operator  implementations            use a specific data format and for the next  step in the operator sequence            an data conversion is needed.  In the Cyclops system this conversions            are added automatic  during the dynamic configuration process by matching            the  types of the input and output attributes of the implementations             in a sequence. Constraints are used for the modeling of restricting             dependencies between objects. Preference rules allow the  definition            of domain dependent knowledge for decisions during  the configuration            process. The rules can be used for the  heuristic control of configuration            steps or describe a local  quality criterion of the domain.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>With the  phase mechanism of the static knowledge base the configuration             process can be divided into a series of phases. The actual phase  provides            a filter for the sorting of the goals on the agenda  of the inference            engine. bindings are needed for the modeling  of the data flow between            image analysis operators. They  connect attributes of different operators.            We must  distinguish between interface and flow bindings. Interface bindings             describe connections between attributes of an aggregate and the  attributes            of a component. Flow bindings describe the  connection between the output            of an operator and the input of  the following operator. Image operators            can have one ore  several implementations. The functionality of an operator            is  determined during the modeling of image analysis application. With             the implementation the type of the execution call must be  declared.            The type and format of the call is modeled in the  properties. For the            execution Cyclops can use UNIX program  calls, functions in an dynamic            C library and Smalltalk block  closures.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”><strong>3. The Inference engine </strong></p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>The inference engine is based on the IDAX system which            is an  assistant system for the configuration of technical domains. I             uses similar concepts like PLAKON system Between the classical  configuration            and the configuration of image analysis  processes there are some differences:</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>The description of a process is not only containing the  decomposition            in subprocesses or the selection of the  possible implementations. The            determination of the data flow  between the subprocesses is also needed.            Decisions during the  configuration process sometimes only can be made            after the  complete configuration of a subprocess and the execution of             the operators. For getting and controlling the results. The execution             of the complete image sequence configuration with the input  data is            needed. Because the execution of image operators  often is time consuming            a correct configuration is needed To  configurate means the composition            of well known components to  a complex thing. The problem is to find            the right  composition which satisfies the needs of the user and the             domain constraints. In the image analysis domain there are existing             additional implicit demands to the results, that can not be  controlled            by the propagation of constraints. Tests with the  complete configurated            object must be performed.
The configuration process in Cyclops follows the principle of  iterative            refinement. The process starts with an initial  abstract object which            is assigned to the goal of the  configuration. By comparing this dynamical            object with the  fitting object in the static knowledge base operators            for the  processing of the goal are found. This operators for the handling             of the goal can be divided into the following task classes:</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Specialization along the Is-A relation Decomposition            along  the Part-Of relation Parametrization, the determination of an             attribute value ore the selection of a technical implementation  Execution            of a subconfiguration for the control of its  behavior By treating a            goal with the help of an operator the  object is instantiated and a set            of new subgoals is created.  All not treated goals are administrated            on an agenda. For  every goal a set of operators can be chosen. This            operators  are the conflict set for the treatment of the goal. For the             execution of a configuration step two decisions must be made. The first             is the selection of the next goal and the second is the  selection of            one operator to reach the goal. The selection of  an operator can be            influenced by preference rules.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>All the decisions made during the configuration are            stored  in an domain specific truth maintenance system based on REDUX.             With the help of the TMS all decisions about the exclusion of a  operator            during the treatment of a goal can be managed. This  is very important            for the revision mechanism of the system.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”><strong>4. The Execution Control </strong></p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>The execution control component is responsible for            the  concrete execution of the elementary image processing routines.             It is an interface between the inference engine and the execution of             the image analysis sequence. The inference engine is creating  an execution            request structure of a completed configuration  subtask for the execution            control component. This component  is following the principle of the            data flow graph.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”><strong><a title=”DomainKnoledgeBase” name=”DomainKnoledgeBase”></a>
5. Domain Knoledge Base </strong></p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Cyclops supports a Domain Database and allows the             instantiation of configuration variables with domain knowledge. These             variables will typically be parameters from image operators  (the underlying            image analysis processes) that will hold a  value, a texture, a shape            description or a position of some  searched structure to be used during            analysis or during  expectation matching. This domain knowledge is intended            to be  used by the image operators.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>For the  development of domain databases, Cyclops provides            its own  tool, NeuralTaxon, which is shortly described below. It is possible,             and necessary indeed, to use any other external database for  accessing            domain knowledge.
During the  configuration process, the reduction of a DomainKnowledgeGoal             can produce a query to any chosen domain database. Results from  previous            image analysis tasks stored in configuration  variables can also be used            to generate queries. This enables a  modeled application to use achieved            results to direct its  search for domain knowledge, which can be used            to  parameterize further analysis steps. Queries, together with their             bindings to configuration variables can be modeled in the image  analysis            database.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>NeuralTaxon  is the name of the domain database-modeling tool included            as  part of Cyclops. NeuralTaxon supports the modeling of knowledge in             form of hierarchical bayesian semantic networks and was developed  specially            to provide support for image analysis tasks.  Information, which can            be represented in the Neural-Taxon  system, goes beyond the information            in a semantic network.  Not only concepts and their attributes are represented,            but  also the respective frequency of the occurrence of attribute-value             pairs and geometric information can be stored. NeuralTaxon  supports            full inheritance through the concept hierarchy and  also queries based            on incomplete information. Using this tool  we developed a domain database            describing a digital brain  atlas NaKS – Neuroanatomical Knowledge Source            – which is  intended to be used in applications in the medical imaging             areas of brain stroke and neurocysticercosis presently under  development.
Cyclops allows the setting of  automated control points (ExpectationMatchingGoals)            on the  modeling of an application in the image processing database.             These control points allow consistency checking. We call automatically             consistence-checkable results from image processing sequences  expectations.
From the point of view of the  modeling of image processing, there are            two distinct  important aspects of consistency checking of results:
a) expectation generation and matching and
b) backtracking, reconfiguring and reexecuting involved tasks.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Expectations are handled as normal configuration variable             values that are checked against results through abstract image operators             modeled as ExpectationMatchers in the database. Expectations  can be            values as simple as TRUE and modeled directly in the  image processing            database, can also be complex result  descriptions generated by a query            to a domain database. An  ExpectationMatching goal is part of the modeling            and is  configured like any other image analysis sub-sequence. It is             configured and executed only after all dependent analysis (sub-) tasks             are finished. If an ExpectationMatching detects an error (e.g.  areas            suspect of being cancer in MR-mammographies are  outside of the breasts),            knowledge-based backtracking will  take place. If the developer did not            model any special  behavior for backtracking, Cyclops will use optimality             relationships stored in the image processing database and try to retract             some executed step and replace it by the least suboptimal.  The JTMS            will be used to keep track of still valid results  and avoid blind reprocessing.            Cyclops allows also the  modeling of special relations between operators,            parameters,  abstract operators and results to guide the retraction of             configuration operators in case of unmatched expectations. The developer             can: a) model which parameters or implementations are to be  preferentially            changed in some context, b) how much trials  are to be made with some            variable before another is tried and  c) if some variable is only to            be changed in combination  with another, even if not modeled in the constraint            system.  The JTMS is used to keep track of all modifications an also             to avoid the reprocessing of some already existing partial result.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>The MAMMALYZER II presents a diagnosis support image             processing system which preprocesses dynamic MR-Mammographs (MRM) for             easier and less erroneous analyzes by the medical practitioner.  The            breast images are provided by a special MRI sequence  which is based            on the work of . It uses the property that  malignant tumors need a much            higher perfusion than healthy  tissue. Making use of a contrast-agent            such as GDTA, the need  for higher perfusion results in a faster accumulation            of  contrast agent in those areas. A comparison of the observed  signal-increase            ratios between different MRM-volumes gives an  indication on the healthieness            of the shown tissue.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>The first prototype of MAMMALYZER was structured as            a  pipeline of different image-processing filters controlled by a  graphical            user interface. This pipeline can be interactively  controlled by the            physician, who chooses one of two  processing pipes. One for fast results            and one for a more  accurate analysis. A problem of the first prototype            was, that  most of the parameters for both matching and marking modules             depend on image characteristics such as TE, TR, slice thickness, field             of view, and image resolution and also on the extent of  motion artifacts.            A set of standard parameters was developed  that works stable with the            standard MRM sequences of the 1.0 T  scanner of the former partner hospital            in Kaiserslautern.  These parameters have to be modified if one uses            images from  another scanner or images with another acquisition protocol.             For this reason, the analysis sequences are modeled with the Cyclops             system. The aim of modeling the MRM analysis under this expert  system            is to automatically use the results of a previous  calculation of MRM-inter-volume            disparities and knowledge  about interrelations between image parameters            and module  parameters for choosing optimal analysis sequences and module             parameters. Thus, users do not have to perform the task of choosing             between different analysis sequences and lots of parameters,  since the            sequence is automatically chosen and parameterized  by Cyclops which            communicates with MAMMALYZER II.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Figure  shows the a simplified view of the configuration            of the  mamma analysis process. The abstract goal ImageProcessing is             specialized to the goal MammaProcessing, which is then decomposed to             the subgoals MammaPreProcessing, MammaMainProcessing and  MammaExpectation.            The system automatically recognizes the  type of sequence and chooses            appropriate image operators and  parameters. After execution of the configured            pipeline the  expectation matching module controls the process results            and  decides whether they have an acceptable quality or pipeline parts             must be changed. With the aid of JTMS-structure only the  responsible            operators, and those operators using their  results, must be refined.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Cyclops is a very powerful expert system shell for the modeling and             execution of image analysis applications in complex domains. Its  has            proved its performance in different applications in the  field of medical            image analysis. Cyclops provides strong  knowledge representation schemes            for two kinds of knowledge.  The image processing knowledge which is            modeled in the static  knowledge base of the configuration system and            the domain  knowledge which is used to solve domain dependent questions.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>In the future the shell will be improved in several fields.  One important            is the development of easy to use knowledge  acquisition tools. The second            field is the development of an  approach to deal with unexpected results            of an image  processing sequence even if all configuration constraints            are  fulfilled. A set of new applications using the Cyclops system is             currently under development and will show the big advantages of the             configuration based approach.</p>

About Aldo von Wangenheim

possui graduação em Ciências da Computação pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (1989) e Doutorado Acadêmico (Dr. rer.nat.) em Ciências da Computação pela Universidade de Kaiserslautern (1996). Atualmente é professor Associado da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, onde é professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação e dos cursos de graduação em Ciências da Computação e Medicina. É também professor e orientador de doutorado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Computação da Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR. Tem experiência nas áreas de Produção de Conteúdo para TV Digital Interativa, Informática em Saúde, Processamento e Análise de Imagens e Engenharia Biomédica, com ênfase em Telemedicina, Telerradiologia, Sistemas de Auxílio ao Diagnóstico por Imagem e Processamento de Imagens Médicas, com foco nos seguintes temas: analise inteligente de imagens, DICOM, CBIR, informática médica, visão computacional e PACS. Coordena o Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia para Convergência Digital - INCoD. É também Coordenador Técnico da Rede Catarinense de Telemedicina (RCTM), coordenador do Grupo de Trabalho Normalização em Telessaúde do Comitê Permanente de Telessaúde/Ministério da Saúde e membro fundador e ex-coordenador da Comissão Informática em Saúde da ABNT - ABNT/CEET 00:001.78. Atualmente também é membro da comissão ISO/TC 215 - Health Informatics. Foi coordenador da RFP6 - Conteúdo - do SBTVD - Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital/Ministério das Comunicações. Desde 2007 é Coordenador do Núcleo de Telessaúde de Santa Catarina no âmbito do Programa Telessaúde Brasil do Ministério da Saúde e da OPAS - Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde e Coordenador do Núcleo Santa Catarina da RUTE - Rede Universitária de Telemedicina.